
Friday, September 21, 2018


For a long time, the Flexi working team did not talk about separating panels.

Often they were the forgotten ones in the office, (although that did not mean in any case that they went unnoticed) but every time their use becomes more frequent in the workspaces.

And its value is of great importance, both in offices and in other types of spaces: classrooms, libraries, nursing homes, clinics, restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, banks ... more and more companies or organizations that use this type of elements.

 Why use separator panels?

The first reason is because of its functionality. They are elements that are becoming more practical with the transformation that is taking place in the offices (with the elimination of walls and with the creation of more and more open spaces), so that spaces can be divided in a way superficial.

In addition to being practical, they also serve to decorate. It is not its main mission, but it is an added value that we must count on and know how to take advantage of.

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Separator panels in different spaces

But, separate what and when?

You can use the separating panels in multiple environments and in different contexts.
We are going to put you several cases and show you some models.

The truth is that there are many models and with different characteristics. Some of them are separators, but others also incorporate a sound-absorbing system. In addition, there are also semi-transparent or opaque ones; others, instead, may be upholstered in translucent white polycarbonate.
The range of possibilities is very broad, not to mention the many forms that each one can have.

Next we are going to show you some places where you can use them and different examples of sound-absorbing panels that, by the way, we have in our catalog:

Separating panels in offices

Here we could prepare an exclusive article to talk only about models of partition panels in offices. Broadly speaking, note that you can use them in many spaces. For example, to separate different areas or areas of work in the meadow, including different workstations among themselves or also to isolate the soft-seating area from the rest of the room.
- Translucent partition panel for office:

- Divide for different areas in the workspace:

- Acoustic panel for waiting rooms of companies:

Separator panels in libraries

The same cabinets are often used as dividers in the room, but the furniture continues to pigeonhole the user. If you use partition panels you can divide the room in a modern way without restricting the environment. For example: dividing study areas, reading areas, discussion areas, web catalog consultation areas, receptio.

- Separator panel for libraries:

Separating panels in nursing homes

It is common that in the common area there is no element that divides the stay into different areas: the rest area, the playground, the TV area ... everything is mixed. However, installing separator panels you can subtly delimit each one, even to indicate when a space is not accessible.

- Sound-absorbing panel for geriatric

Separator panels in restaurants and cafeterias
It is also quite common to use separator panels in restaurants. It is a good way to increase the privacy of customers without locking them up.

- Separator panel for restaurants and cafeterias:

Separator panels in hotels and clinics
Especially in the hall of these spaces. It is a good way to differentiate the waiting area from the reception, for example.

- Separating and sound-absorbing panel for waiting rooms or hotel receptions:

Separation panels in banks or law firms
The banking and legal sector are also transformed, thus disappearing most of the offices. For occasions when a client wants to deal with confidential matters personally, these separators are a possibility.
- Panel Separator Sticks very contemporary for banks:

Separator panels in galleries and museums
If there is a place where the panels are even more important than in the offices, these are the museums and galleries. It is still not quite normal, but little by little more and more are the Pinacoteca’s that use these screens to separate different areas, also with the possibility of improving the acoustics, in the event that the panel also includes sound-absorbing.
- Separator panel for museums and galleries:

Separator panels in areas and commercial areas
Not only in shopping centers, but also in small shops. Those who are sound-absorbing help to improve the acoustics of the room but also to distribute or create different areas.
For example, in a shopping center they can be used to separate the rest area from the rest, so that the client feels withdrawn from the crowd.
- Sound-absorbing separator panel with star shape for trade:

You see that the world of the panels is very broad and that there are many ways to divide the space in an original way in your organization, do not you think?

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