
Friday, September 21, 2018


As we always do at the beginning of the year, we are going to tell you about the trends in office furniture for 2018.

In broad strokes, this 2018 will serve to consolidate what we already knew last year, although we will also find some surprise.

To begin, let's tell you what are the trends in office decoration that will succeed.

5 trends in decoration and spaces

Before starting to talk about trends in office furniture equipment, it is important to know what types of decoration will be most successful.

The white color and the Scandinavian style
Nordic aesthetics never fails. Since this aesthetic has broken into houses all over the planet, but also in many offices, its expansion is unstoppable.
Why so much success? Because the work spaces still want to look like homes, especially to generate the atmosphere and atmosphere that is breathed in our homes, and for that the Scandinavian decoration is a good tool.

Open space and double height
Again the open and open spaces will continue to boom. This has, not so much to do with the generation of more open spaces, but with the total eradication of the offices (especially in the most traditional offices and companies). In fact, every time we will find more companies that will choose to create very wide open spaces at double height and even triple. In this way, employees who are on the top floor will have a general and complete overview of most of the facilities.

Collaborative (very broad) and flexible areas
The cowering areas and the rest spaces will be increasingly larger or, depending on the type of company and its structure, will multiply. In fact, sofas and armchairs in soft-seating areas will tend to be larger and larger.

In addition, other types of elements, such as hammocks, will be introduced strongly in many offices. Who has said that we cannot have fun at work?

Hundreds, thousands of trends, and although there is a small gap for customization and to add your own style! The workspaces this 2018 will be marked by their customization and adaptation, but also by the need to create their own offices and to be different from the rest.

Recycling and nature also in office furniture for 2018
The sustainability will become increasingly important. In this way, we will find many recycled furniture and many decorative accessories related to or coming from nature, which in turn are recyclable.

News in office furniture for 2018
Now that we know what the decoration trends will be, we show you some of the office furniture that will be going strong in 2018.

Abbey waiting sofa
This sofa and waiting chair reflects very well the trend that we pointed out before: spacious and comfortable furniture, but also friendly.

Prism office table
And if we talk about design and equipment of Nordic offices we cannot fail to mention Prism, an almost iconic piece.

Twist meeting table
Current and of different sizes and shapes. This is how this table is. Ideal to equip collaborative spaces, regardless of the size of the company, this table is available in different types: round, rectangular, high with monitor ...

Because the idea is to promote and encourage meetings and collaboration among employees.

Tao address table
The Tao management table reflects the importance of using furniture or accessories that come from nature. It is made of wood and, in addition, its structure is very stable and balanced; ideal to use in offices that seek to improve their Feng shut.

New forms of work mark the design of offices and office furniture for 2018
As always, the needs and different ways of working of the employees are the ones that mark the design of offices and the use of some or other office furniture.

Are you ready for the new trends in office furniture for 2018? Check the summary that the space and decoration blog has prepared for its readers on the trends that Casa Decor proposes for this 2018.

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