
Friday, September 21, 2018


Still do not know what is ergonomics at work ?

Well today will stop being like this: we tell you everything you need to know about this term .

What is work ergonomics?
It is often used as a synonym for " health in the workplace ", but they are not exactly the same.

And, it is more accurate to say that the ergonomics of work is the study that focuses on the health and ergonomics of the employee in the workplace.

Why labor ergonomics is important
It is important because it affects the health and well-being of the employee .

But not only that, but also affects their productivity , so the company is also interested in the worker suffering the minimum number of work accidents , as this will take fewer casualties and their efficiency will be even better than expected. Everyone wins, right?

6 factors that influence
Chair and posture
The chair is one of the most important elements in the workplace, not to mention that the most.

It is important to use an ergonomic chair that includes the necessary mechanisms to be able to customize it and so it adapts to the user's physiognomy .

Also, it is useless for the workplace to be equipped with the best chair in the world if the employee does not adopt the correct posture .

2. The rest of the furniture

Not only the chair matters, but the rest of the office furniture as well .
For example, the table. Sometimes it is essential that the worker uses a height adjustable table , since, especially in the case of office workers , they need to change their position frequently. Using a table adjustable in height allows you to work standing and sitting .


Temperature influences our productivity . Has it ever happened to you that you felt so cold in the office that you could not think of anything other than your frozen fingers?

We are not the only ones who happen to us, right?

That is why it is important that the office temperature is pleasant for employees , neither too cold nor too hot.

4. Environment

What do we mean by environment? To put it in a colloquial way and that is understood: the air that breathes in the work. That is, how comfortable we feel with our colleagues , whether the decoration of the office makes us feel more calm or, just the opposite, on alert ...

5. Light

The lighting is one of the most important factors : how lighting affects our monitor, the user and the workplace in general.

Keep in mind that natural and artificial light is included here . And there must always be natural light, since mentally it allows the worker to feel better , but this is never enough: artificial light sources must also be included.

6. Risks at work

It is the last one we mentioned, however, on many occasions, it is the maximum risk for employees (depending on the profession we are talking about).

We refer here to the risks derived from the employees' own professional activity .
To give an example: an assembler that is dedicated to assemble and disassemble office furniture can suffer an accident sometimes, such as trips, blows, etc.

That is why it is very important that each employee receives the corresponding training in occupational risk prevention , according to their professional activity.

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